Need a part? Type your part number in the box to see a snapshot of the stock that we have available, Phone us on 01732 765567 or Email us at
Call our friendly, specialist advisors who will source the most competitive deal for you from our worldwide network.
Our advisors can also suggest alternatives to obsolete parts. Call us on +44 (0) 1732 765567
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Component Distribution
Being truly independent, A-TEC is able to focus on our Customer’s priorities rather than those that a component manufacturer dictates.
We leverage Global markets to locate both the best price and availability to suit your needs.
With fewer Franchise Distribution options A-TEC will add more choice to your bottom line.
Excess Stock Management
Redundant excess stock inventory is a universal problem, it ties up both money and space.
A-TEC can offer a range of solutions balancing the high monetary return of long term consignment stocking to the instant return of line item purchasing.
We will work with you to establish your preferred business objectives and create a tailored solution.
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A-TEC International Ltd was established in 1998 and is ISO 9001:2015 Accredited.
We will respond to your needs quickly and communicate clearly and accurately.
We are also happy to liaise with your business partners and CEM’s etc both in the UK and overseas.